Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Final Animation

Goal of Animation - Our goal was to catch the little kids attention and to teach them shapes and numbers.
Learning Reflection on Project - I learned a lot in this project, i learned that doing animations isn't always easy but once you get used to it, it becomes easier to use. Working with my teammate was really a good and learning experience.
Yet to be Completed on Project - our project was completed
Project Assistance- < none

Friday, May 9, 2014

Public awareness

For my Public awareness assignment I Decided to do it based on Safe Sex because I believe everyone should be aware of it and understand the consequences of having unprotected sex. In this assignment we used Flash again to create our short film and honestly this is the first time I found it extremely easy and actually fun doing. I love the way my short video came out and it didn't take me so long creating it as much as other times. I followed the steps provided for me and it helped my short film come out really good. I really did enjoy this assignment.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Last Animation

My last Animation was based on me drawing a stick figure and a background. Creating my stick figure and my background moving at the same time. Now this was so difficult but it became difficult when i was having trouble making my stick figure move accordingly to my background. It kept messing up and i found myself doing everything correctly but some how my animation wasn't coming out the way i wanted to. But seeing my classmates animations, majority did a really great job compared to me.

Moving Background

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Animations in Flash

So me and my classmates have been working in Flash Animations and I honestly recommend people to use this. It's a really cool concept to make moving objects look cool and it's really interesting. You can do so many things on Flash and I believe anyone will find it real entertaining to use. Especially if you are into all animation things like that, flash is a perfect program to use then.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Free Runner Movie

Windows Movie Maker

So after doing my pivot animation, i was asked to add music and sound effects to my pivot animation to make it more interesting to watch. Although i'm not the best at using WMM i can honestly say my movie was better with the sound effects and the music. It actually improved my animation. I know many of my classmates took it beyond and added really cool sounds effects and hilarious theme music to their pivot animation. Which i found really interesting to watch and not only that but more enjoyable.