Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Last Animation

My last Animation was based on me drawing a stick figure and a background. Creating my stick figure and my background moving at the same time. Now this was so difficult but it became difficult when i was having trouble making my stick figure move accordingly to my background. It kept messing up and i found myself doing everything correctly but some how my animation wasn't coming out the way i wanted to. But seeing my classmates animations, majority did a really great job compared to me.

Moving Background

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Animations in Flash

So me and my classmates have been working in Flash Animations and I honestly recommend people to use this. It's a really cool concept to make moving objects look cool and it's really interesting. You can do so many things on Flash and I believe anyone will find it real entertaining to use. Especially if you are into all animation things like that, flash is a perfect program to use then.