Friday, September 27, 2013

9/27 Learning Reflections

What I learned in the last week is how to play around with my blog. I learned how to change the the back round and text of blog. But most importantly I learned how to upload a podcast to my blog. Which to me was the hardest thing I had to do for my blog. It was really complicated because I had to play around with the computer trying to upload my podcast. I had to re-due my podcast a couple of times and play around with the sound system as well. But I was able to upload it with the help of one my classmates, explaining to me step by step what to do. Although I had some help uploading the podcast, it was information I obtained for the future.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blog 5 Web design

I don't really know much about web design but I do know a few things. I know that web design involves with web graphic design, authoring, and many interesting things. I know many web designers design their webs in their own way and I know that you can be really creative in that too.
I hope to learn how to design my own website and I believe that will benefit me in the long run if I ever decide to make my own website for any reason.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 4 Netiquette

Netiquette might come to a familiar word to many of you. Well Netiquette is similar in a way to the word etiquette. The only difference is that Netiquette is a proper way and rules for social media. Its basically a social code of network connection. Proper Netiquette is very important because you don't want to give someone the wrong impression on what you are trying to tell them. For Example, using all capital letters gives someone the impression that you are yelling at them. Even if you don't mean to give that impression, writing in all capitals indicates that you are yelling at them. That's why Netiquette is really important when communicating through social media.

Rules For Netiquette:
1. Be clear
2. Use appropriate language
3. Be brief
4. Make a good impression
5. Be selective on what information you decide to email or post online to someone.

Blog 3 Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint is basically a trial that someone leaves through the internet. Such as their emails, facebook,    Instagram, twitter and many other social networks that allow you to upload pictures or videos of yourself and any other form of transmission of information. Everyone who is leaving a Digital Footprint should always try to keep it a positive digital footprint. To not put up inappropriate things on the web because not only would that give you a bad image but it will hurt you in the long run when trying to get a really high job. As well people have to be careful with who they are associated with online because if you are associated with people who do inappropriate things, when getting a back round check for a strict job they may go through your friends and assume that's what you do as well since you associate with them. So what you put up in the web has a big impact on you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog 2 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity is something all students should have and always try to stay that way. Basically to me Academic Integrity is honesty towards anything, but mostly about being honest about your work. Many students find this to be unnecessary and choose to do plagiarism. Which is a big mistake. Plagiarism to me is really when you copy someone else's work. Many students find that easier to do then to do their own work. Saves them a lot of time. But many do not understand the consequences about plagiarism. It's wrong and students shouldn't do it.

Blog 1 What I know About a Blog

To me a blog is something where anyone can choose to write about anything they like. I never had my own personal blog but i believe that having a blog can be a learning process in this class. It will be a great asset for our class to communicate and understand each other more.

The One blog i found really interested was the second blog. The whole idea of rugby and the way it stood out really caught my attention. It was also a very interesting blog.