Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 4 Netiquette

Netiquette might come to a familiar word to many of you. Well Netiquette is similar in a way to the word etiquette. The only difference is that Netiquette is a proper way and rules for social media. Its basically a social code of network connection. Proper Netiquette is very important because you don't want to give someone the wrong impression on what you are trying to tell them. For Example, using all capital letters gives someone the impression that you are yelling at them. Even if you don't mean to give that impression, writing in all capitals indicates that you are yelling at them. That's why Netiquette is really important when communicating through social media.

Rules For Netiquette:
1. Be clear
2. Use appropriate language
3. Be brief
4. Make a good impression
5. Be selective on what information you decide to email or post online to someone.

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