Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 3 Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint is basically a trial that someone leaves through the internet. Such as their emails, facebook,    Instagram, twitter and many other social networks that allow you to upload pictures or videos of yourself and any other form of transmission of information. Everyone who is leaving a Digital Footprint should always try to keep it a positive digital footprint. To not put up inappropriate things on the web because not only would that give you a bad image but it will hurt you in the long run when trying to get a really high job. As well people have to be careful with who they are associated with online because if you are associated with people who do inappropriate things, when getting a back round check for a strict job they may go through your friends and assume that's what you do as well since you associate with them. So what you put up in the web has a big impact on you.

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